Very few homeowners consider cabinetry when they decide to renovate their bathroom. However, vanity and linen cabinets can have a huge effect on the style and appearance of the bathroom, more than you likely know. If it's been years since you've upgraded yours, or you're investing in a larger remodel, you may want to consider investing in a set of new ones. Although it may seem like a straightforward process, you'll have to decide which styles and finishes are right for your home.

Below, we'll introduce some of the most popular bathroom cabinet styles, finishes, and materials so that you can make an informed decision about the design of your Greenville bathroom cabinet remodel.

Choosing the Right Bathroom Cabinet Styles

Cabinets come in all different shapes and styles, and it can be hard to choose one. In most cases, the style of your bathroom cabinets will be dependent on the look you're going for. Minimal options, like slab cabinets, look best in a bathroom with lighter color tones. Raised panels and recessed cabinets, on the other hand, look great in a bathroom that has a lot going on, with lots of texture, colors, and scents.

In addition to the door style itself, you'll want to make sure you're choosing accessories and handles that match the existing aesthetic. Slab cabinets look good with bar or knob handles, whereas raised panels look great with decorative handles.

Materials and Finishes for Your Greenville Bathroom

The materials and finishes you choose for your Greenville bathroom cabinet installation can also make an impact. This part of the design process is where you can create the most visible style and impression. Some options you'll have available include:

  • Solid Wood Cabinets like Oak, Maple, or Redwood
  • Plywood Cabinets That are Unfinished, Stained, or Painted
  • Particle Board and Synthetic Cabinet Doors That Come Pre-Finished

If staining or painting, you'll have just as many options available to you. The same type of wood cabinet can look entirely different depending on which stain you use, and paint comes in a variety of finishes like flat, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. The choice is yours!

Contact the Experts at Palmetto Kitchen Today

No matter what style or finish you'd like for your bathroom, trust Palmetto Kitchen to provide it. We are an expert cabinet refacing company and have over 20 years of experience. In addition to bathroom cabinetry, our locally owned and operated company provides Greenville, South Carolina kitchen cabinet refacing.

Get your home's cabinet project started today and contact us for a free consultation.